Sunday, December 22, 2019

Red Voters are sounding more and more like the American Nazis

This is supposed to be the "Holy Week" for the Christians and yet these Red Voters are sounding more and more like the American Nazis. Red was one of the colors Hitler chose. When I saw one of Trump's rallies on television, his MAGA hat Trumpers were wearing Red and Black. Those were Hitler's colors. Trump's right hand adviser Stephen Miller is a Nazi and advised Trump to make Jews a nationality. That was an anti semitic move. When Spano stood up to speak before and during the impeachment vote he made sure that no other religion mattered other than his own. Yet, these weeks are suppose to be a peaceful holiday which is to be spreading good will to men and women, joy, and peace on Earth, yet these Trumper Nazis who vote red are spreading hate such as kill all Democrats, Jews, those of the LGBT community, African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and others who do not believe in their Nazi religion or are not of the Aryan race. I wonder where they are building the concentration camps. Thank G-d I am Jewish and not one of these hypocrites,

Please note the children with his hand up in the air in the lower right corner..The Trump's Nazi Youth Movement..... Sieg Trump. They are using the term PIPE for KIKE now.

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