Thursday, September 5, 2019

Open Letter to Mark of AIPAC, Rabbi David Goldstein and President Allen Shane Of Temple Emanuel of Lakeland Florida

Open Letter to Mark of AIPAC, Rabbi David Goldstein and President Allen Shane Of Temple Emanuel of Lakeland Florida

I had contacted you last year when I had switched parties from a Democrat to Republican. My son had a stroke when I was running in 2018, which is a long story I don't want to get into right now, and I had Dennis Ross indicted for the hatch act and I exposed him for sending a letter to President Obama along with Douglas Hunter in wanting to give Predator and Reaper drones along with Hellfire Missiles to Jordan who just signed an allegiance with ISIS. These would be used against Israel as well as Europe and the USA. He resigned stating he needed to spend more time with his family. Meanwhile, Ross put up six Republicans, who were his friends, against me to scare me to resign. When I didn't resign, he used his connections with Disney, where my son Marcus worked, to force him to stand in the sun to have 5 heat strokes with the last one a complete stroke. Ross was also the Workers' Compensation attorney for Disney and that was his connection with them. When I went to the Meet and Greet at the Republican Party in Travares, Mr. Spano at the time was running for office for Florida Attorney General. He and his staff walked over to me and said "We don't want a Dirty Christ Killing Jew C*nt in office". They called me a Hymie and a Kike and I exposed this until Marcus was admitted into the hospital and I, as a good Jewish Mother, took care of him and stepped down from running.

After Marcus was on the road to recovery I had switched back to being a Democrat and my son begged me to run again, which I did. I had one person who was running against me and when he found out I was running he pulled out and now there is no Democratic Primary. I am also a Delegate at the Florida Democratic State Convention for Lake County and I am well known now since I hold rallies and shake hands with both Democrats and Republicans. Having a Jewish Zionist woman whose mentor was Golda Meir in office would be an asset to Florida and American Jewry against Omar and Tlaib.

I was looking for a home outside of Lakeland and went to the Temple Emanuel's website where I saw AIPAC is going to be there during the holiest week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur where the Shofar calls all Jews in for the day of atonement as well as Simchat Torah. They are claiming AIPAC will be there as well as this Anti-Semite Vincent Ross Spano who called me a Dirty Christ Killing Jew C*nt, a Hymie, and a Kike. Looking at this combo is a political statement. When I asked to speak to the sisterhood in April, 2019, I was told they do not do political events because they could lose their tax exempt status. Having Spano there, who is not Jewish, but kept telling everyone he's a Good Christian is violating this status as well as having AIPAC, there since they are a Political Action Committee (PAC). I could not care if this was held in a hotel but my hand will be forced to file a complaint with the IRS since I was forbidden to therefore everyone else should be. All I wanted to was shake hands in you sisterhood and talk about my experience when I was in the IDF. Spano has no reason to be there other than to campaign. I am Jewish/Israeli and I have more of a right to be there since I was thinking of joining Temple Emanuel.

Loretta (Leah Bat Ziporah and Moshe) Lax Miller.

Is there a difference between a church and a religious organization?

A church is a place of worship, such as a synagogue, mosque, or temple. Churches are automatically considered 501c3 charities, as long as they meet the criteria required by the IRS, and continually adhere to 501c3 requirements.
A religious organization is not automatically a place of worship like a church is. A religious organization is generally a nondenominational or interdenominational organization and has a principal purpose of advancing religion.
So according to the IRS, what defines a religious organization? A religious organization is one formed and operated exclusively for “religious” purposes, and it must actively promote the advancement of its religion via various activities.

What are the tax-exempt criteria for a religious organization?

In order to be considered tax-exempt, a religious organization must meet certain federal requirements. The organization cannot attempt to influence legislation, and it must not be involved with or intervene in political activity or campaigns, and the organization must be exclusively started and run for religious, educational, scientific, or other charitable purposes in order to be considered 501c3 tax-exempt. These are the requirements that a religious organization or church must adhere to in order to be considered tax-exempt:

  • The organization must be organized and operated exclusively for religious or other charitable purposes
  • The net earning must not benefit any private individual or shareholder exclusively
  • No substantial part of the organization’s activity may be the attempt to influence legislation
  • The organization cannot intervene in political campaigns
  • The organization’s purpose and actions cannot be illegal or violate fundamental public policy

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Nazim Ali, who leads the annual “Al Quds Day” march through London is being investigated by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) f

Campaign Against Antisemitism



A pharmacist, Nazim Ali, who leads the annual “Al Quds Day” march through London is being investigated by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) following a complaint by Campaign Against Antisemitism.
In 2017, four days after the Grenfell Tower tragedy in which over 70 people were burned alive, Nazim Ali led the pro-Hizballah “Al Quds Day” parade. Heading the parade, surrounded by the flags of Hizballah, the genocidal antisemitic terrorist organisation, Mr Ali shouted over a public address system: “Some of the biggest corporations who are supporting the Conservative Party are Zionists. They are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell, in those towers in Grenfell. The Zionist supporters of the Tory Party. Free, Free, Palestine…It is the Zionists who give money to the Tory Party to kill people in high-rise blocks. Free, Free, Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
At another point he told marchers: “Careful of those Rabbis who belong to the Board of Deputies, who have got blood on their hands, who agree with the killing of British soldiers. Do not allow them in your centres.”
Mr Ali is the Managing Partner of Chelsea Pharmacy Medical Clinic. The GPhC has confirmed to Campaign Against Antisemitism: “The GPhC has reviewed all of the available evidence and we have concluded that the matter complained about is a matter that calls into question the pharmacy professional’s fitness to practise as a pharmacist. This case will now be referred to the Investigating Committee for consideration.”
Stephen Silverman, Director of Investigations and Enforcement at Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “Since 2017, we have fought to ensure that Nazim Ali faces the consequences of his actions. As a pharmacist, he is bound by professional rules, and we are pleased that due to our complaint he now faces an investigation into his fitness to practise by his professional regulator.”
Campaign Against Antisemitism previously sought a criminal prosecution of Mr Ali. When the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) refused to prosecute him, we launched a private prosecution which the CPS disgracefully used its statutory powers to take over and discontinue, protecting Mr Ali from prosecution.