I am running for US Congress in Florida District 15 and I thought I heard everything from Dirty Christ Killing Jew to being called a Hymie, Kike, Jude Hündin etc. You get the idea This was sent to me and it blew my mind that I must pass it on and basically warn you of times to come. We need to put more Jews in Office to protect us.
WA Lawmaker Attends Fundraiser for Liberty, a Proposed 51st State for Christians. County Prosecutor Larry Haskell, former Treasurer Rob Chase and gun activist Anthony Bosworth also were in attendance, as were Barry and Anne Byrd, who lead the Marble Community Fellowship in northern Stevens County. (In 1988, Barry Byrd helped pen a Christian Identity manifesto that referred to Jews as “anti-Christs” and condemned interracial marriage, though the Byrds have since tried to distance themselves from racist ideology.)
And I was told by the Republican Party they stand with Jews and Israel. Where do they want to stand? In front of the Gas Chambers or telling the firing squid to Ready, Aim Fire?
I do not see Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs even mentioning this since she is so much against Jewish Democrats she'd rather ignore this and go after Muslims who mostly all have Jewish roots and are distant cousins to Jews.Yo Pamela Geller, there is hate in every religion and the Jews fought hand and hand with the Muslims to protect our homes our lands during the Spanish Inquisition and Israel during the Crusades. And because of people like you cause more hate and we need to join those fighting against Nazi Republican Conservative Antisemitism Right now "Our Enemy of Our Enemy's Are Our Friends"
On Thursday night, a group of people gathered in Washington state to raise money for their campaign to create Liberty, a 51st state specifically made for conservative Christians.
I guess they’ve never heard of Alabama.
Liberty would span several states in the Pacific Northwest:
Shea was at the fundraiser… which was really not much more than a literal bake sale. What’s scary is that he wasn’t the only politician there.
The lineup of speakers included Shea, a Spokane Valley Republican who has championed the Liberty State movement; Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan; Spokane City Council candidate Tim Benn; and Loren Culp, the police chief in Republic, Washington, who made national headlines when he pledged not to enforce a controversial gun control initiative that voters passed in November.
County Prosecutor Larry Haskell, former Treasurer Rob Chase and gun activist Anthony Bosworth also were in attendance, as were Barry and Anne Byrd, who lead the Marble Community Fellowship in northern Stevens County. (In 1988, Barry Byrd helped pen a Christian Identity manifesto that referred to Jews as “anti-Christs” and condemned interracial marriage, though the Byrds have since tried to distance themselves from racist ideology.)
Before you call them extremists, though, at least listen to what Shea’s legislative assistant Rene’ Holaday said:
[Holaday] said supporters of the 51st state idea were bound by a common sentiment: “It’s either going to be bloodshed or Liberty State.”
Okay, now you can call them extremists. (They don’t have a publicly available Constitution for the new state, but they do have an official state rifle: The AR-15.)
There were protesters at the event but it didn’t stop Shea from spreading his insane Christian propaganda:
Shea delivered the last speech of the night, covering many of his usual talking points. He denied the existence of global warming, instead blaming seasonal wildfires on changes in forest management practices. He spoke of the cultural and political differences between Eastern and Western Washington. He claimed the United States is “a Christian nation” under siege by atheists and Communists.
“The Communists and atheists — those that are responsible for the deaths of more people than any other belief system in the history of the world — unfurled their flag on the Capitol steps this last spring,” he said.
It’s unclear how much money they made selling pies, or how a few bucks will make it easier to create a new state, but I, for one, am fully in favor of having one state that all the conservative Christians move to. Give them one representative, two senators, and leave all the rest to the sensible people who respect human rights, fight for civil liberties, care about facts, and don’t fetishize weapons.
I was out today getting my Ballet Petitions signed I was wearing my button . I got over 50 Petitions signed in 1 1/2 hours. The ignorant ones who made nasty comments were the Nazi Good Christian Republicans who told me straight out "I was a dirty Christ Killing Jew Regardless If I was A Republican, Democrat or Independent' "I am stealing money from Good Christian Churches". This is what I have to deal with, major Republican Antisemitism. The Republican party is a Christian Party and Jews should leave them @RealDonaldTrump #DonaldJTrump. #Trump
If you are in Florida Congressional District 15, Please Print and Sign this Petition and send it to Loretta Miller for Congress, PO Box 137381, Clermont Florida 34713. The price of a stamp and an envelope will make a difference.
2017 Lawmakers mostly "Good Christian Jew Hating Nazis Males" came out of the closets and went nuts. This happened because of Trump's Hitler Like speeches and the MAGA Hats. Since when did taking the rights away from women and belittling the make this society , this America Great? Next step will be taking away the vote from women. Taking away the right to own property. Taking away the divorce without permission. These Law Makers are taking away the rights for women to live. Abortions are going to happen regardless of the laws.
Oklahoma Lawmaker: Men Must Approve Abortion; Women Are ‘Hosts’
New law would require man’s approval for partner’s abortion because women are only “hosts,” and pregnant women’s bodies are not their own.
Oklahoma state legislator Rep. Justin Humphrey is sponsoring a draconian bill, HB 1441, that would require a woman to get written permission from her sexual partner if she wants to have an abortion.
The legislation would require a woman seeking an abortion first to obtain written permission from her sexual partner. It would also require her to provide his name to her doctor and would forestall the procedure if the man wanted the opportunity to challenge paternity.
Attempting to justify the despicable legislation Rep. Humphrey told The Intercept that women have no right to bodily autonomy once they are pregnant because they are merely “hosts”:
I understand that they feel like that is their body. I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you’re a ‘host.’ And you know when you enter into a relationship you’re going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don’t get pregnant.
Rep. Humphrey continued:
So that’s where I’m at. I’m like, hey, your body is your body and be responsible with it. But after you’re irresponsible then don’t claim, well, I can just go and do this with another body, when you’re the host and you invited that in.
Rep. Humphrey also said his intent behind the legislation was to let men have a say, declaring:
I believe one of the breakdowns in our society is that we have excluded the man out of all of these types of decisions.
Commenting on the despicable legislation, Amanda Allen, senior state legislative counsel for the Center for Reproductive Rights, said:
I would say it’s certainly a new low for Oklahoma. This is, to my mind, a fruitless effort to shame and stigmatize women who are seeking abortion care and it is completely and unequivocally unconstitutional.
Allen is right, if passed the law would certainly be unconstitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar provision in 1992.
She is also right to note that the legislation is ultimately a mean-spirited attempt to shame and stigmatize women who are seeking an abortion.
Bottom line: For Rep. Justin Humphrey, and conservatives like him, pregnant women’s bodies are not their own: Women are merely “hosts” – and the man must give his approval for abortion to take place.
No woman should have to fear the death penalty for a miscarriage or abortion due to medical or mental reasons.This is Murder by they State and Government. Those (mostly Republican Males) should be removed from office. Vincent Ross Spano supports these Death Anti-Abortions laws or he would have spoken out. Don't be silent speak out, REMOVE him!
Texas bill would allow death penalty for women who get abortions
(Meredith) -- For the first time in state history, this week a Texas House committee held a public hearing on a bill that would allow criminal prosecution of women for their abortions.
The bill currently makes all abortions a crime, with no exceptions. Prosecutors could even bring the charge of homicide for abortions, a crime that in Texas could carry a sentence of the death penalty.
State Rep. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican, first introduced the bill in 2017, and again this year. The bill has many legislative hurdles to clear before becoming law, but this week's hearing marked the most progress yet by Tinderholt's proposal.
The bill was still pending on Tuesday after Democrats decried the argument made by the bill's supporters as contradictory.
"I’m trying to reconcile in my head the arguments that I heard tonight about how essentially one is okay with subjecting a woman to the death penalty for the exact — to do to her the exact same thing that one is alleging she is doing to a child," Democrat state Rep. Victoria Neave said.
Tinderholt told the Texas Observer the bill is meant to "force" women to be "more personally responsible with sex."
"Right now, it’s real easy. Right now, they don’t make it important to be personally responsible because they know that they have a backup of ‘oh, I can just go get an abortion," Tinderholt said.
Democratic state Rep. Donna Howard criticized Tinderholt's statement telling the Observer she was "baffled" he could have such a "lack of compassion and understanding."
The bill makes no exceptions for individual cases involving rape or incest. Tinderholt said he's "a firm believer that God creates children in his own image, regardless of how that child is brought into the world, it’s created in his image, and how can someone want to destroy that?"
The bill is also receiving push back from abortion opponents. Republican Rep. Jeff Leach, the committee chair, said he would not support any bill on abortion that makes women civilly or criminally liable and the antiabortion group Texans for Life also expressed their opposition to the bill.
Good Christian Anti Abortion Pastor David Richards repeatedly raped his adopted daughter, starting when she was just 14 years old. She told authorities when she was 16. He denied doing anything wrong, though his semen was found on her bed frame. A jury found him guilty on nine felony counts (including rape, incest, and sexual battery) earlier this year. He was doing his imaginary Gods Will This is what the Anti Abortion Laws are doing . This is the Republican Christian Values.
Here’s all you need to know about Pastor David Richards: He repeatedly raped his adopted daughter, starting when she was just 14 years old.
She finally told authorities when she was 16. He denied doing anything wrong, though his semen was found on her bed frame. A jury found him guilty on nine felony counts (including rape, incest, and sexual battery) earlier this year.
Richards faced the possibility of 72 years in prison.
You already know where this story is going, don’t you…?
During his sentencing hearing, dozens of people told the judge about what a wonderful Christian man he was. Knox County Criminal Court Judge Steve Swordfell for it.
The judge acknowledged Richards’ longtime ministry — he began a Bible study among his fellow inmates while jailed at the Knox County Detention Facility — and the support he still receives as mitigating factors.
More than 30 people sat on the defendant’s side of the courtroom in a show of support, including David Thompson, who shared ministry duties with Richards at My Father’s House Church of God in Lenoir City.
“I find it impossible for me to believe he’s guilty of this,” said Thompson, who echoed the call for leniency. “His business needs him. His family needs him. Our church needs him.”
He’s a convicted child rapist, David. Nobody needs him.
Ultimately, the judge backed away from the 72 year maximum sentence he could’ve given… and settled on a mere 12.
That means Richards will still be sexually functional by the time he’s out of prison and able to take advantage of other victims — and that’s assuming he actually completes the full term.
It’s just another example of Christianity literally being treated as a Get Out of Jail Free card even though we’re talking about a convicted child rapist. An atheist who raped his daughter would go to jail for life, I guess, but a Christian man who sexually abuses his daughter over and over deserves some leniency because he’s really a good guy.
Amber Richards is the daughter in question, and she said in her impact statement that “Not a day goes by that I don’t, in some way, think of what he did to me. I firmly believe if given the opportunity, he would victimize another young girl.”
The judge heard that and ignored it. Then he gave David Richards the opportunity to traumatize more children in the future in part because of his dedication to Jesus.
It’s a sign of a broken judicial system as well as proof that religion gets far more credit than it deserves. Nothing in this man’s Christian faith prevented him from raping his daughter. Yet he’s being rewarded for his devoutness, and Christianity continues getting unearned credit despite the actions of its followers.
How warped must a religion be where a man like this can be considered a faithful devotee?
17137 Magnolia Island Blvd, Clermont, FL 34711 Reality Master Group Shawn Kennedy
Masters Realty Group Inc, 519 N. Magnolia Ave., Orlando, FL 32801 • 407.909.0908
I am running for US Congress where this property is listed in . Never have I ever been asked to show proof of my finances which is against the law to see a property . Real Estate agents have been getting away with this for years and many people fall for this scam.
If you give your information to the agents and they give it to the seller there is no guarantee that the seller won't sell this information to his friends or to Scammers like the IRS scammers or to a fake collection agency company showing how much money they can scam you out of. In my case I am running for office and my disclosures with the FEC is my donations only or financial Campaign loans and that is required by law.
If you give the Seller this information you voluntarily give up your IRS Privacy Act Rights.
I have no fiduciary contract with the seller or the listing agent meaning they could sell this information to anyone or they could use it against me if they support my opponent.
Never give any information to anyone this is how you get scammed.
I suggest you move on.
The properties in this area average in sales for $513,000.00 in 1996 this property or built property sold for $370,000.00. It was sold 2000 $405,000.00 and now it's listed for $1,799,999.00.
It is in a flood zone. The house sits on only 0.66 acres and the homes around this home average in sales for $513,000.00.
Look elsewhere!
If we all refuse this request this scam practice will stop. There is no law that states you have to give them any financial papers even a simple letter from a bank to SEE a property. We need to make this into a Federal Law to protect the consumer/buyer.