Friday, September 28, 2018
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Kavanaugh and the Babies in Congress
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Kavanaugh and the Babies in Congress: People are asking me about Kavanaugh and his alleged sexual issues. Personally I don't feel it is right that the media placed th...
Kavanaugh and the Babies in Congress
People are asking me about Kavanaugh and his alleged sexual issues. Personally I don't feel it is right that the media placed this on the news for people to judge him. According to our Constitution you are innocent until proven guilty. There was no police report, no sperm, no proof other then hearsay and her word against his.
The proper procedure for this is if someone has evidence against anyone in the house or Senate or even nominated for a high ranking position is to go to the FBI with your "proof" and have them investigate your allegations. None of this was done. What the news did and what Ford did was put it out there. This destroyed his children's lives and his family and it was done vindictively.
I found Dennis Ross a Republican who used his federal office as his campaign office and violated the Hatch Act but not one person in the Florida Republican Party took my side but called me a rat.
I decided since both major parties are so corrupt I changed parties and the Constitution party was glad that I changed parties and they are 100% behind me. They too are sick and tired of the acts of these adults in both parties who are acting like high school students and haven't grown up. Many people in both parties are feeling the same way.
As far as Kavanaugh is concerned, personally I don't want him as a Supreme Court Judge because he is extremely Right Wing and he may pass laws which will violate my Constitutional Rights and my freedom of religion. I think Trump should have looked for a middle of the road judge who can see both sides and make a ruling in that matter. Not use his religion for his laws.
If you are tired of this baby acting House and Senate it is time to throw out the trash and change parties. Join the fastest growing party in the USA and protect the Constitution. Join Florida's Constitution Party and TAKE BACK THE HILL and PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION.
You link to the voters register is here
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Good Old Old Boys Club Florida BAR, Gregg Steube a...
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Good Old Old Boys Club Florida BAR, Gregg Steube a...: Ethics complaint against Greg Steube dismissed By Zac Anderson Political Editor Posted Dec 14, 2017 at 6:47 PM Updated Dec 14...
Good Old Old Boys Club Florida BAR, Gregg Steube and Elderly Guardians Becker and Poliakoff
Ethics complaint against Greg Steube dismissed
By Zac AndersonPolitical Editor
Posted Dec 14, 2017 at 6:47 PMUpdated Dec 14, 2017 at 6:47 PM
An ethics investigation into state Sen. Greg Steube’s involvement in legislation sought by his former law firm has been closed and the complaint dismissed by the Florida Commission on Ethics, which found “no probable cause” to believe the lawmaker had a conflict that violated ethics laws.
Steube sponsored a bill in 2013 when he was a member of the state House that established a statewide framework for private agencies to help finance public infrastructure. The system was touted as a way for cash-strapped governments to fund needed infrastructure improvements.
Steube’s former law firm, Becker & Poliakoff, advocated for the bill. One of the lawyers at the firm, Lee Weintraub, told investigators he wrote the legislation. The firm represents clients involved in public-private partnerships.
But the law firm’s founding shareholder, Alan Becker, told investigators in a report — first obtained by Politico Florida — that “the effect of the bill’s passage on their law firm was ‘negligible’ — no different from any other large Florida law firm capable of reading and applying the statute.”
State law permits legislators to work and vote on bills related to their professions as long as there is no “special private gain” for the lawmaker, that person’s employer, or others connected to the lawmaker. Steube sought an ethics opinion from the House’s lawyer that determined there was no ethical conflict in him pursuing the legislation, according to the investigator’s report.
Becker told investigators that he “suspects that several law firms” have much larger practices representing clients in public-private partnerships.
The ethics complaint against Steube was filed last year when he was running for the Senate, but questions about his involvement with the legislation appear to go back further.
Lobbyist Richard Watson, who advocated for the public-private partnership bill on behalf of Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida, Inc., told the Ethics Commission investigator that the legislation stalled at one point and “he heard ‘leadership’ had some problem with the bill.”
“Mr. Watson said he learned that there was a question as whether (Steube) was receiving a benefit because of his bill sponsorship and his being a lawyer,” according to the investigation report.
Steube said in a text message Thursday that he is glad to be “fully exonerated.”
“I’m pleased that after a full investigation, the Ethics Commission found that no probable cause existed that I violated the law or ethical standards and have been fully exonerated with the complaint being dismissed,” he wrote.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
UPDATE Rick Scott and Gregg Steube are Anti Elderly
Scott signed this bill into law Federal cost of living adjustments for
food assistance In Florida it affects this bill (FL Admin Code=R) ( Fl
Statute = S) S414:31
414.31 State agency for administering federal food assistance program.—
(1) The department shall place into operation in each of the several counties of the state a food assistance program as authorized by the Congress of the United States. The department is designated as the state agency responsible for the administration and operation of such programs.
(2) The department shall provide for such instruction and counseling as will best assure that the recipients are able to provide a nutritionally adequate diet through the increased purchasing power received. This program shall be administered and operated in such a way that the distribution of food assistance shall be in locations reasonably accessible to those areas in which persons eligible for the benefit of this program are likely to be concentrated.
History.—s. 1, ch. 69-268; ss. 19, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 70-201; s. 1, ch. 70-255; ss. 1, 2, ch. 72-298; s. 33, ch. 96-175; s. 24, ch. 2010-209.
Note.—Former s. 409.275.
65A-1.603 Food Assistance Program Income and Expenses.
(1) Rounding Income and Expenses. With the exception of the benefit reduction, cents resulting from budget calculations are retained at each level in determining the assistance group’s (AG’s) food assistance benefits. The benefit reduction is rounded up to the next whole dollar.
(2) Standard Utility Allowance. A standard utility allowance (SUA) of $347 must be used by AGs who incur, or within the eligibility period expect to incur, heating or cooling expenses separate and apart from their rent or mortgage and by AGs who receive direct or indirect assistance authorized under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981. Actual utility expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the telephone standard, are not used.
(3) Basic Utility Allowance. A basic utility allowance (BUA) of $280 must be used by AGs who do not incur heating or cooling expenses, but do incur utility expenses such as electricity, fuel, water, sewerage, or garbage pickup, separate and apart from their rent or mortgage. Actual utility expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the telephone standard, are not used.
(4) Telephone Standard. A telephone standard of $45 must be used by AGs who incur only a telephone expense. Actual telephone expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the SUA or BUA, are not used.
(5) Homeless Shelter Deduction. A homeless shelter deduction of $143 must be used by homeless AGs who do not receive free shelter throughout the month and incur or expect to incur shelter expenses unless higher expenses are claimed.
(6) Child Support Paid Out. Legally obligated child support payments are a deduction for the Food Assistance Program.
Rulemaking Authority 414.45 FS. Law Implemented 414.31 FS. History–New 1-31-94, Formerly 10C-1.603, Amended 1-12-99, 5-25-03, 8-22-05, 2-17-09, 12-13-09, 11-1-10, 12-25-11, 10-16-12, 8-11-13, 11-30-14, 1-31-16, 6-6-17, 4-4-18.
What ACESS has done has been to reduce all SNAP to all Disabled and Elderly without notice.
Starting on October 1, 2018, your food stamps will be reduced to $15.00. You want Rick Scott as your Senator? I think not. Unless he reverses this tell him to go on SNAP only at $15.00 a month on his Social Security Not the Governors pension.
I am going to warn Seniors... If you just about can buy food and applied to welfare, YOUR welfare was cut down by this Republican Senate! I have many seniors who I am helping with SAGA and they have been cut down from $140.00 per-month for food stamps to $15.00 a month. The Maximum for Elderly is $199.00 per month... The Elderly were reduced to $15.00 per month because the Republicans are claiming the Elderly are stealing. They (the Elderly) pay $800 or more in rent and they have medical bills and prescriptions that are outrageous. Most Seniors get less then what is classified as below the poverty scale. With Medicare deducted, can you live off of $895 a month plus doctor bills? We have to take a deep look at who voted for this cut with Seniors and vote them out. Seniors are not in an entitlement program. They worked for the food stamp program before they had a stroke, cancer, or a heart attack.
My question is: can you Republicans Senators live off of your social security without your pensions without your under the table hand outs, do speeches for free and not have a side business and eat? Your $10 a month raise in Social Security is not cutting it when food prices are outrageous. Many seniors are now eating dog food again. Senators are you eating dog food or are you eating Kobe steak?
Remove the following from office since they are anti-Elderly:
Call and ask why Senator Greg Steubs wants to kill the Elderly by starving them to death and making the sick who can just about get out of bed work. Greg Steubs created this Nazi type bill. No death panels just work the elderly to death.
Elizabeth Bolles and Rita Faulkner
Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160
By Senator Steube 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 1 of 8
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to family self-sufficiency; amending
3 ss. 414.14 and 414.175, F.S.; authorizing changes to
4 public assistance policy and federal food assistance
5 waivers to conform to federal law and simplify
6 administration unless such changes increase income or
7 resource eligibility standards for the program;
8 creating s. 414.315, F.S.; requiring the Department of
9 Children and Families to impose a resource limit for
10 households receiving food assistance, subject to
11 federal approval; requiring legislative authorization
12 for expanding resource eligibility under certain
13 circumstances; providing applicability; creating s.
14 414.393, F.S.; requiring the department to implement
15 asset verification to verify eligibility for public
16 assistance; amending s. 445.004, F.S.; requiring
17 CareerSource Florida, Inc., to include certain data
18 relating to the performance outcomes of local
19 workforce development boards and associated pilot
20 programs in an annual report to the Governor and
21 Legislature; providing legislative findings; providing
22 definitions; requiring CareerSource Florida, Inc., to
23 contract with a vendor to develop a pilot program to
24 increase employment among certain persons receiving
25 temporary cash assistance by a specified date;
26 providing criteria for selecting a vendor; providing
27 criteria for selecting local workforce boards to
28 conduct the pilot program; requiring CareerSource
29 Florida, Inc., to submit a report on the outcome of Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 2 of 8 CODING:
Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
30 the pilot program to the Governor and Legislature by a
31 specified date; providing appropriations; providing an
32 effective date.
33 34 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
35 36 Section 1. Section 414.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to 37 read:
38 414.14 Public assistance policy simplification.—To the
39 extent possible, the department shall align the requirements for
40 eligibility under this chapter with the food assistance program
41 and medical assistance eligibility policies and procedures to
42 simplify the budgeting process and reduce errors. If the
43 department determines that s. 414.075, relating to resources, or
44 s. 414.085, relating to income, is inconsistent with federal law
45 governing the food assistance program or medical assistance, and
46 that conformance to federal law would simplify administration of
47 the Temporary Cash Assistance Program or reduce errors without
48 materially increasing the cost of the program to the state, the
49 secretary of the department may propose a change in the resource
50 or income requirements of the program by rule, providing that
51 such change does not increase income or resource eligibility
52 standards for the program.
53 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 414.175, Florida 54 Statutes, is amended to read: 55 414.175 Review of existing waivers.
— 56 (2) The department shall review federal law, including
57 revisions to federal food assistance program requirements. If
58 the department determines that federal food assistance waivers Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 3 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
59 will further the goals of this chapter, including simplification
60 of program policies or program administration, the department
61 may obtain waivers if this can be accomplished within available
62 resources, providing that such waiver does not increase income
63 or resource eligibility standards for the program.
64 Section 3. Section 414.315, Florida Statutes, is created to
65 read:
66 414.315 Food assistance program resource eligibility
67 standards.—
68 (1) Subject to federal approval, the department shall
69 impose a resource limit of $5,000 for all households that
70 receive food assistance.
71 (2) Unless expressly required by federal law, the
72 department shall obtain specific authorization from the
73 Legislature before seeking, applying for, accepting, or renewing
74 any waiver for food assistance which expands resource
75 eligibility beyond the limits established in subsection (1).
76 (3) This section does not apply to those households that
77 are federally required to be categorically eligible for food
78 assistance under 7 C.F.R. s. 273.2.
79 Section 4. Section 414.393, Florida Statutes, is created to
80 read:
81 414.393 Applicant asset verification.—Upon federal approval
82 to implement the resource eligibility standards in s.
83 414.315(1), the department shall implement asset verification
84 for the purpose of determining eligibility for the food
85 assistance programs.
86 Section 5. Paragraphs (c) and (d) are added to subsection
87 (7) of section 445.004, Florida Statutes, and subsection (13) is Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 4 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
88 added to that section, to read:
89 445.004 CareerSource Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose;
90 membership; duties and powers.—
91 (7) By December 1 of each year, CareerSource Florida, Inc.,
92 shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the
93 Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority
94 Leader, and the House Minority Leader a complete and detailed
95 annual report setting forth:
96 (c) For each local workforce development board, participant
97 statistics, and employment outcomes, by program, for individuals
98 subject to mandatory work requirements due to receipt of
99 temporary cash assistance or food assistance under chapter 414,
100 including:
101 1. Individuals served.
102 2. Services received.
103 3. Activities in which individuals participated.
104 4. Types of employment secured.
105 5. Individuals securing employment but remaining in each
106 program.
107 6. Individuals exiting programs due to employment.
108 7. Employment status at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months 109 after individuals exit the program, for the immediate past 3
110 years.
111 (d) Interim outcomes of any pilot program implemented by a
112 local workforce development board selected pursuant to
113 subsection (13).
114 (13) The Legislature finds that some mandatory work
115 registrants in the Temporary Cash Assistance Program face
116 significant barriers to employment, which must be addressed with Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 5 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
117 services beyond those offered under a traditional workforce
118 program. To address this problem, CareerSource Florida, Inc., in
119 consultation with the department, shall implement a pilot
120 program to increase unsubsidized employment and earned income
121 among such registrants while reducing their reliance on public
122 assistance. The pilot program may not serve registrants who are
123 assessed as work ready or who do not face significant barriers
124 to employment.
125 (a) For the purposes of this subsection, “significant
126 barriers to employment” means at least one critical barrier or
127 three or more stand-alone barriers.
128 1. “Critical barriers” include substance abuse, mental
129 illness, physical or mental disability, domestic violence,
130 homelessness, and a criminal record affecting employment.
131 2. “Stand-alone barriers” include significant job skill
132 deficiencies; significant soft-skill deficiencies, such as
133 communication, time management, and problem-solving skills;
134 child welfare system involvement; and a negative or nonexistent
135 employment history.
136 (b) CareerSource Florida, Inc., in consultation with the
137 department, shall contract with a vendor by October 31, 2018, to
138 develop the pilot program according to the following guidelines:
139 1. The vendor must have expertise in the design and
140 development of workforce programs.
141 2. The program design shall be based on the best available
142 research and shall include, at a minimum:
143 a. A comprehensive assessment to identify significant
144 barriers to employment, which shall be updated on an ongoing
145 basis. Such an assessment may collect information about the Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 6 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
146 registrant’s educational attainment, level of literacy and
147 numeracy, basic skills, work experience, receipt of public
148 benefits, and other indicators of significant barriers.
149 b. An individual responsibility plan based on the
150 assessment, which includes a comprehensive service strategy to
151 address barriers to employment, whether sequentially or
152 simultaneously.
153 c. Intensive case management, including, but not limited
154 to, ongoing one-on-one guidance, motivation, and support for
155 registrants by assessing their needs and barriers, identifying
156 resources, and advising on career and training opportunities. 157 Intensive case management also includes collaborative work with
158 community partners to provide comprehensive services to
159 registrants which are designed to address their barriers and
160 achieve program goals.
161 3. The program may include other elements to address
162 significant barriers, such as a combination of job search
163 assistance, basic skills training, vocational education,
164 strategies that connect registrants to relevant career
165 opportunities by supporting their efforts to obtain educational
166 certificates or industry certification, and transitional
167 employment subsidies to achieve the desired improvements in 168 employment and earnings. 169 (c) CareerSource Florida, Inc., in consultation with the
170 department, shall select at least three local workforce boards
171 to conduct the pilot program based on a board’s:
172 1. Commitment to effectively serve the target population.
173 2. Established record of innovation in the delivery of
174 workforce services, preferably to the target population. Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 7 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
175 3. Existing strong community partnerships, including
176 partnerships with nonprofit entities and community colleges, to
177 provide workforce services.
178 4. Commitment to implement the program for the target
179 population while continuing to serve other Temporary Cash
180 Assistance Program mandatory work registrants.
181 (d) The local workforce boards selected for the pilot
182 program shall contract with vendors to implement the program.
183 The local workforce board shall give preference to vendors with
184 a demonstrated commitment to innovation in providing workforce
185 services or in serving populations with significant barriers.
186 (e) CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall submit a report to
187 the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
188 the House of Representatives by December 15, 2021. The report
189 shall include the program design; participating entities;
190 participant demographics, including, but not limited to,
191 barriers identified; and the case management processes,
192 assessment processes, and services provided to participants, as
193 compared to those available under the local workforce board’s
194 traditional workforce program. The report shall also include an
195 analysis of the effect of the program on participants’ barriers
196 to employment, employment outcomes, household income, reliance
197 on public assistance, and other measures of household well-being
198 and self-sufficiency.
199 Section 6. For fiscal year 2018-2019, the sum of $3,342,525
200 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the General Revenue
201 Fund to the Department of Children and Families to implement
202 asset verification for the food assistance program pursuant to
203 s. 414.393, Florida Statutes, as created by this act, and the Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 8 of 8 CODING:
Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
204 sum of $300,000 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the
205 General Revenue Fund to the Department of Children and Families
206 to perform the technology modifications necessary to implement
207 asset verification.
208 Section 7. For fiscal year 2018-2019, the sum of $500,000
209 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the General Revenue
210 Fund to the Department of Economic Opportunity for distribution
211 to CareerSource Florida, Inc., to contract for development of a
212 program to serve temporary cash assistance work registrants with
213 significant barriers to employment pursuant to this act,
214 including, but not limited to, providing the initial program
215 design, evaluation design, training curricula development and
216 delivery of training, implementation oversight, development of
217 informational materials for participants, and technical
218 assistance; and for distribution to selected local workforce
219 boards for startup expenses incurred by vendors implementing the
220 program, including, but not limited to, information technology
221 updates, program coordination, and staff training. Case
222 management and direct services for all temporary cash assistance
223 recipients shall be provided within current resources.
224 Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.
I am going to post a petition for you to sign and send to me to have Gregg Steubs IMPEACHED and thrown out of office to taking food out of the Edlerly, the Disabled and the Children of Florida
414.31 State agency for administering federal food assistance program.—
(1) The department shall place into operation in each of the several counties of the state a food assistance program as authorized by the Congress of the United States. The department is designated as the state agency responsible for the administration and operation of such programs.
(2) The department shall provide for such instruction and counseling as will best assure that the recipients are able to provide a nutritionally adequate diet through the increased purchasing power received. This program shall be administered and operated in such a way that the distribution of food assistance shall be in locations reasonably accessible to those areas in which persons eligible for the benefit of this program are likely to be concentrated.
History.—s. 1, ch. 69-268; ss. 19, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 70-201; s. 1, ch. 70-255; ss. 1, 2, ch. 72-298; s. 33, ch. 96-175; s. 24, ch. 2010-209.
Note.—Former s. 409.275.
65A-1.603 Food Assistance Program Income and Expenses.
(1) Rounding Income and Expenses. With the exception of the benefit reduction, cents resulting from budget calculations are retained at each level in determining the assistance group’s (AG’s) food assistance benefits. The benefit reduction is rounded up to the next whole dollar.
(2) Standard Utility Allowance. A standard utility allowance (SUA) of $347 must be used by AGs who incur, or within the eligibility period expect to incur, heating or cooling expenses separate and apart from their rent or mortgage and by AGs who receive direct or indirect assistance authorized under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981. Actual utility expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the telephone standard, are not used.
(3) Basic Utility Allowance. A basic utility allowance (BUA) of $280 must be used by AGs who do not incur heating or cooling expenses, but do incur utility expenses such as electricity, fuel, water, sewerage, or garbage pickup, separate and apart from their rent or mortgage. Actual utility expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the telephone standard, are not used.
(4) Telephone Standard. A telephone standard of $45 must be used by AGs who incur only a telephone expense. Actual telephone expenses are not allowed. Any additional utility expenses, including the SUA or BUA, are not used.
(5) Homeless Shelter Deduction. A homeless shelter deduction of $143 must be used by homeless AGs who do not receive free shelter throughout the month and incur or expect to incur shelter expenses unless higher expenses are claimed.
(6) Child Support Paid Out. Legally obligated child support payments are a deduction for the Food Assistance Program.
Rulemaking Authority 414.45 FS. Law Implemented 414.31 FS. History–New 1-31-94, Formerly 10C-1.603, Amended 1-12-99, 5-25-03, 8-22-05, 2-17-09, 12-13-09, 11-1-10, 12-25-11, 10-16-12, 8-11-13, 11-30-14, 1-31-16, 6-6-17, 4-4-18.
What ACESS has done has been to reduce all SNAP to all Disabled and Elderly without notice.
Starting on October 1, 2018, your food stamps will be reduced to $15.00. You want Rick Scott as your Senator? I think not. Unless he reverses this tell him to go on SNAP only at $15.00 a month on his Social Security Not the Governors pension.
I am going to warn Seniors... If you just about can buy food and applied to welfare, YOUR welfare was cut down by this Republican Senate! I have many seniors who I am helping with SAGA and they have been cut down from $140.00 per-month for food stamps to $15.00 a month. The Maximum for Elderly is $199.00 per month... The Elderly were reduced to $15.00 per month because the Republicans are claiming the Elderly are stealing. They (the Elderly) pay $800 or more in rent and they have medical bills and prescriptions that are outrageous. Most Seniors get less then what is classified as below the poverty scale. With Medicare deducted, can you live off of $895 a month plus doctor bills? We have to take a deep look at who voted for this cut with Seniors and vote them out. Seniors are not in an entitlement program. They worked for the food stamp program before they had a stroke, cancer, or a heart attack.
My question is: can you Republicans Senators live off of your social security without your pensions without your under the table hand outs, do speeches for free and not have a side business and eat? Your $10 a month raise in Social Security is not cutting it when food prices are outrageous. Many seniors are now eating dog food again. Senators are you eating dog food or are you eating Kobe steak?
Remove the following from office since they are anti-Elderly:
Call and ask why Senator Greg Steubs wants to kill the Elderly by starving them to death and making the sick who can just about get out of bed work. Greg Steubs created this Nazi type bill. No death panels just work the elderly to death.
District Office
6230 University Parkway
Suite 202
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 342-9162
Senate VOIP: 42300
Suite 202
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 342-9162
Senate VOIP: 42300
Legislative Assistants
Elizabeth Bolles and Rita Faulkner
Tallahassee Office
326 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
(850) 487-5023
Senate VOIP: 5023
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
(850) 487-5023
Senate VOIP: 5023
![]() |
Gregg Steubs |
Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160
By Senator Steube 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 1 of 8
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to family self-sufficiency; amending
3 ss. 414.14 and 414.175, F.S.; authorizing changes to
4 public assistance policy and federal food assistance
5 waivers to conform to federal law and simplify
6 administration unless such changes increase income or
7 resource eligibility standards for the program;
8 creating s. 414.315, F.S.; requiring the Department of
9 Children and Families to impose a resource limit for
10 households receiving food assistance, subject to
11 federal approval; requiring legislative authorization
12 for expanding resource eligibility under certain
13 circumstances; providing applicability; creating s.
14 414.393, F.S.; requiring the department to implement
15 asset verification to verify eligibility for public
16 assistance; amending s. 445.004, F.S.; requiring
17 CareerSource Florida, Inc., to include certain data
18 relating to the performance outcomes of local
19 workforce development boards and associated pilot
20 programs in an annual report to the Governor and
21 Legislature; providing legislative findings; providing
22 definitions; requiring CareerSource Florida, Inc., to
23 contract with a vendor to develop a pilot program to
24 increase employment among certain persons receiving
25 temporary cash assistance by a specified date;
26 providing criteria for selecting a vendor; providing
27 criteria for selecting local workforce boards to
28 conduct the pilot program; requiring CareerSource
29 Florida, Inc., to submit a report on the outcome of Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 2 of 8 CODING:
Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
30 the pilot program to the Governor and Legislature by a
31 specified date; providing appropriations; providing an
32 effective date.
33 34 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
35 36 Section 1. Section 414.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to 37 read:
38 414.14 Public assistance policy simplification.—To the
39 extent possible, the department shall align the requirements for
40 eligibility under this chapter with the food assistance program
41 and medical assistance eligibility policies and procedures to
42 simplify the budgeting process and reduce errors. If the
43 department determines that s. 414.075, relating to resources, or
44 s. 414.085, relating to income, is inconsistent with federal law
45 governing the food assistance program or medical assistance, and
46 that conformance to federal law would simplify administration of
47 the Temporary Cash Assistance Program or reduce errors without
48 materially increasing the cost of the program to the state, the
49 secretary of the department may propose a change in the resource
50 or income requirements of the program by rule, providing that
51 such change does not increase income or resource eligibility
52 standards for the program.
53 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 414.175, Florida 54 Statutes, is amended to read: 55 414.175 Review of existing waivers.
— 56 (2) The department shall review federal law, including
57 revisions to federal food assistance program requirements. If
58 the department determines that federal food assistance waivers Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
Page 3 of 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
59 will further the goals of this chapter, including simplification
60 of program policies or program administration, the department
61 may obtain waivers if this can be accomplished within available
62 resources, providing that such waiver does not increase income
63 or resource eligibility standards for the program.
64 Section 3. Section 414.315, Florida Statutes, is created to
65 read:
66 414.315 Food assistance program resource eligibility
67 standards.—
68 (1) Subject to federal approval, the department shall
69 impose a resource limit of $5,000 for all households that
70 receive food assistance.
71 (2) Unless expressly required by federal law, the
72 department shall obtain specific authorization from the
73 Legislature before seeking, applying for, accepting, or renewing
74 any waiver for food assistance which expands resource
75 eligibility beyond the limits established in subsection (1).
76 (3) This section does not apply to those households that
77 are federally required to be categorically eligible for food
78 assistance under 7 C.F.R. s. 273.2.
79 Section 4. Section 414.393, Florida Statutes, is created to
80 read:
81 414.393 Applicant asset verification.—Upon federal approval
82 to implement the resource eligibility standards in s.
83 414.315(1), the department shall implement asset verification
84 for the purpose of determining eligibility for the food
85 assistance programs.
86 Section 5. Paragraphs (c) and (d) are added to subsection
87 (7) of section 445.004, Florida Statutes, and subsection (13) is Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
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88 added to that section, to read:
89 445.004 CareerSource Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose;
90 membership; duties and powers.—
91 (7) By December 1 of each year, CareerSource Florida, Inc.,
92 shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the
93 Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority
94 Leader, and the House Minority Leader a complete and detailed
95 annual report setting forth:
96 (c) For each local workforce development board, participant
97 statistics, and employment outcomes, by program, for individuals
98 subject to mandatory work requirements due to receipt of
99 temporary cash assistance or food assistance under chapter 414,
100 including:
101 1. Individuals served.
102 2. Services received.
103 3. Activities in which individuals participated.
104 4. Types of employment secured.
105 5. Individuals securing employment but remaining in each
106 program.
107 6. Individuals exiting programs due to employment.
108 7. Employment status at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months 109 after individuals exit the program, for the immediate past 3
110 years.
111 (d) Interim outcomes of any pilot program implemented by a
112 local workforce development board selected pursuant to
113 subsection (13).
114 (13) The Legislature finds that some mandatory work
115 registrants in the Temporary Cash Assistance Program face
116 significant barriers to employment, which must be addressed with Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
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117 services beyond those offered under a traditional workforce
118 program. To address this problem, CareerSource Florida, Inc., in
119 consultation with the department, shall implement a pilot
120 program to increase unsubsidized employment and earned income
121 among such registrants while reducing their reliance on public
122 assistance. The pilot program may not serve registrants who are
123 assessed as work ready or who do not face significant barriers
124 to employment.
125 (a) For the purposes of this subsection, “significant
126 barriers to employment” means at least one critical barrier or
127 three or more stand-alone barriers.
128 1. “Critical barriers” include substance abuse, mental
129 illness, physical or mental disability, domestic violence,
130 homelessness, and a criminal record affecting employment.
131 2. “Stand-alone barriers” include significant job skill
132 deficiencies; significant soft-skill deficiencies, such as
133 communication, time management, and problem-solving skills;
134 child welfare system involvement; and a negative or nonexistent
135 employment history.
136 (b) CareerSource Florida, Inc., in consultation with the
137 department, shall contract with a vendor by October 31, 2018, to
138 develop the pilot program according to the following guidelines:
139 1. The vendor must have expertise in the design and
140 development of workforce programs.
141 2. The program design shall be based on the best available
142 research and shall include, at a minimum:
143 a. A comprehensive assessment to identify significant
144 barriers to employment, which shall be updated on an ongoing
145 basis. Such an assessment may collect information about the Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
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146 registrant’s educational attainment, level of literacy and
147 numeracy, basic skills, work experience, receipt of public
148 benefits, and other indicators of significant barriers.
149 b. An individual responsibility plan based on the
150 assessment, which includes a comprehensive service strategy to
151 address barriers to employment, whether sequentially or
152 simultaneously.
153 c. Intensive case management, including, but not limited
154 to, ongoing one-on-one guidance, motivation, and support for
155 registrants by assessing their needs and barriers, identifying
156 resources, and advising on career and training opportunities. 157 Intensive case management also includes collaborative work with
158 community partners to provide comprehensive services to
159 registrants which are designed to address their barriers and
160 achieve program goals.
161 3. The program may include other elements to address
162 significant barriers, such as a combination of job search
163 assistance, basic skills training, vocational education,
164 strategies that connect registrants to relevant career
165 opportunities by supporting their efforts to obtain educational
166 certificates or industry certification, and transitional
167 employment subsidies to achieve the desired improvements in 168 employment and earnings. 169 (c) CareerSource Florida, Inc., in consultation with the
170 department, shall select at least three local workforce boards
171 to conduct the pilot program based on a board’s:
172 1. Commitment to effectively serve the target population.
173 2. Established record of innovation in the delivery of
174 workforce services, preferably to the target population. Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
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175 3. Existing strong community partnerships, including
176 partnerships with nonprofit entities and community colleges, to
177 provide workforce services.
178 4. Commitment to implement the program for the target
179 population while continuing to serve other Temporary Cash
180 Assistance Program mandatory work registrants.
181 (d) The local workforce boards selected for the pilot
182 program shall contract with vendors to implement the program.
183 The local workforce board shall give preference to vendors with
184 a demonstrated commitment to innovation in providing workforce
185 services or in serving populations with significant barriers.
186 (e) CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall submit a report to
187 the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
188 the House of Representatives by December 15, 2021. The report
189 shall include the program design; participating entities;
190 participant demographics, including, but not limited to,
191 barriers identified; and the case management processes,
192 assessment processes, and services provided to participants, as
193 compared to those available under the local workforce board’s
194 traditional workforce program. The report shall also include an
195 analysis of the effect of the program on participants’ barriers
196 to employment, employment outcomes, household income, reliance
197 on public assistance, and other measures of household well-being
198 and self-sufficiency.
199 Section 6. For fiscal year 2018-2019, the sum of $3,342,525
200 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the General Revenue
201 Fund to the Department of Children and Families to implement
202 asset verification for the food assistance program pursuant to
203 s. 414.393, Florida Statutes, as created by this act, and the Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1160 23-01332-18 20181160__
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204 sum of $300,000 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the
205 General Revenue Fund to the Department of Children and Families
206 to perform the technology modifications necessary to implement
207 asset verification.
208 Section 7. For fiscal year 2018-2019, the sum of $500,000
209 in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the General Revenue
210 Fund to the Department of Economic Opportunity for distribution
211 to CareerSource Florida, Inc., to contract for development of a
212 program to serve temporary cash assistance work registrants with
213 significant barriers to employment pursuant to this act,
214 including, but not limited to, providing the initial program
215 design, evaluation design, training curricula development and
216 delivery of training, implementation oversight, development of
217 informational materials for participants, and technical
218 assistance; and for distribution to selected local workforce
219 boards for startup expenses incurred by vendors implementing the
220 program, including, but not limited to, information technology
221 updates, program coordination, and staff training. Case
222 management and direct services for all temporary cash assistance
223 recipients shall be provided within current resources.
224 Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.
I am going to post a petition for you to sign and send to me to have Gregg Steubs IMPEACHED and thrown out of office to taking food out of the Edlerly, the Disabled and the Children of Florida
Joint Administrative Procedures Committee
The Joint Administrative Procedures Committee conducts continuous oversight of executive branch actions implementing legislatively delegated powers, ensuring that each action has an adequate statutory basis, that all applicable procedures are followed, and that no illegal rules are imposed on the people of Florida.
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Ralph Allan Lee Shortey A Good Christian Republica...
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: Ralph Allan Lee Shortey A Good Christian Republica...: A Good Christian Republican gets only 15 years for Child Sex Trafficking Ralph Allan Lee Shortey From The Hill Ex-O...
Ralph Allan Lee Shortey A Good Christian Republican gets only 15 years for Child Sex Trafficking
A Good Christian Republican gets only 15 years for Child Sex Trafficking
Ralph Allan Lee Shortey
From The Hill
Ex-Oklahoma state senator sentenced to 15 years for child sex trafficking
BY MICHAEL BURKE - 09/18/18 09:27 AM EDT
A former Oklahoma state senator was sentenced Monday to 15 years in federal prison for child sex-trafficking, according to media reports.
Ralph Shortey, a Republican who served in the Oklahoma state Senate from 2011 to 2017, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Timothy DeGiusti, NBC News reported. Shortey will also face 10 years of supervised probation when he is released from prison, per NBC News.
Shortey pleaded guilty in Novemberto a child sex-trafficking charge after being accused of offering to pay a 17-year-old boy for "'sexual' stuff" earlier in 2017.
Police said the boy told Shortey that he "needed money for spring break" while the two were having a conversation on a messaging app.
"I don't really have any legitimate things I need help with right now," Shortey reportedly said. "Would you be interested in 'sexual' stuff?"
Shortey resigned from office in 2017 after he was found in a motel room with the 17-year-old boy.
Loretta Miller For Congress Blog: REPUBLICANS WANT TO STARVE THE ELDERLY TO DEATH AN...: I am going to warn Seniors... If you just about can buy food and applied to welfare, YOUR welfare was cut down by this Republic...
I am going to warn Seniors... If you just about can buy food and applied to welfare, YOUR welfare was cut down by this Republican Senate! I have many seniors who I am helping with SAGA and they have been cut down from $140.00 per-month for food stamps to $15.00 a month. The Maximum for Elderly is $199.00 per month... The Elderly were reduced to $15.00 per month because of the Republicans are claiming the Elderly are stealing. They (the Elderly) pay $800 or more in rent and they have medical bills and prescriptions that are outrageous. Most Seniors get less then what is classified as below the poverty scale. With Medicare deducted can you live off of $895 a month plus doctor bills? We have to take a deep look at who voted for this cut with Seniors and vote them out. Seniors are not in an entitlement program. They worked for the food stamp program before they had a stroke, cancer, or a heart attack.
My question is can you Republicans Senators live off of your social security without your pensions without your under the table hand outs, do speeches for free and not have a side business and eat? Your $10 a month raise in Social Security is not cutting it when food prices are outrageous. Many seniors are now eating dog food again. Senators are you eating dog food or are you eating Kobe steak?
I am ashamed I was a Republican and voted as well as supported Trump who pushed this.
Hillary was a Republican and she wants to put Seniors in death camps
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