Wednesday, March 20, 2019


On the Issues
Are you going to sit there and do nothing? There has been a 40-year decline of our middle class and the growing gap between the very rich the 1 % and everyone else the 99%, or do we fight for a economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protects the environment and provides health care for everyone. We need to remove the status of preexisting conditions from all Medical Insurance including Workers Compensations. We need to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class who are in office now, or do we continue to submit to their economic and political aristocracy

Income and Wealth
A Living Wage
Climate Control
Racial Justice
Affordable Housing
Women's Rights
Aides and HIV Research
LGBT Rights and Equality
Protecting Our Native Americans
Caring for Our Veterans
Social Security
Lower Prescription For All
Disability Rights
Remove Asset Securitization Charges From Electric , Gas and Water Bills because the companies made bad choices and make that a Federal Law
Recalled Medication should stay recalled and not placed back on the market, Nor should any foreign Pharmaceutical be allowed to make these drugs outside the country and hide carcinogenics in their medication such as Valsantan and Losartn.

The list goes on and on. We must protect We the People not them the Big Corporations and the beyond wealthy.

These are issues the Republicans have totally ignored.

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