Thursday, April 11, 2019


I caught Dennis Ross with his hand in the pocket of the Federal Government. Let me refresh everyone's memory. I caught Dennis Ross using a Federal office, Federal Employees, and a Federal mailing informing people what he has done for the election. I went to the FBI in 2017 and he was indited under the Hatch Act. After being interviewed with the FBI, Dennis Ross resigned stating he was not going to seek another term and that he needed to be close to his family. Dennis Ross used to be Disney's Workers' Compensation Attorney and handled changing laws so that the Tourist Industry, such as Disney, could abuse their employees and they would not have to pay workers' comp on injuries that were re-injuries stating it was preexisting even though the old laws stated that all preexisting conditions that were re-injured was covered. He also added the new law that strokes, even if caused by the employer in unsafe conditions, were not covered. Therefore, sun strokes are not covered and that the employer can keep you out in the sun without shade, without water, and the employer does not have to call an ambulance. This man hides everything and endangers Floridians lives.

His buddy, Vincent Ross Spano, was running for Attorney General when I went to a meeting at the Lake County Republican Tea Party Meeting. I had set up my table and about four people came up to me and told me they didn't want a "Dirty, Christ Killing, Communist, Jew C*nt in office". As I was sitting on the stage they had a minister who said a prayer every other word that came out of his mouth was "Jesus said this" and "Jesus told him that". I sat there thinking a moment of silence would be better and that they had no respect for anyone other then their own religion. I sat in front of a Vincent Ross Spano and I heard him trash the man who was sitting next to me because he was Italian asking him if he was part of the Mafia and then he started on me calling me a "Dirty Christ Killing Jew C*nt", a "Hymie" and a few other Nazi Antisemitic terms. They had started in the back and each person stood up said 2-3 mins of who they are and a back ground. Each person who was Protestant stood up and said what a "Good Christian" they were and so did Vincent Ross Spano. I felt since he was running for Attorney General he was not a threat to me so I did my best to ignore his antisemitic comments but it puzzled me how this racist could run for office as an Attorney General and Florida had a good concentration of Jewish Citizens. Two weeks later I found out he decided to run for US Congress and his best friend was Dennis Ross. It was too late for me to change my Party back to Democrat and if I did I would have to wait for 6 months to run.
In the meantime Dennis Ross decided to retaliate against me by somehow instructing Disney into forcing my son to stand in the sun for 5 hours no water, no shade, and no breaks. They claimed they forgot him and they figured he liked being baked in the sun. I ended pulling out of the race because my son had three to six sun strokes and the big one came at the end. The Disney leaders refused to call an ambulance. My son never got workers compensation and they now want their "costumes" back that they refused to pick up when I asked them to do so. They want me to carry a large box filled close to 100 pounds to the Post Office for their convince.

According to the Ledger, Vincent Ross Spano also did an illegal act by taking loans from friends totaled between $45,000 and $150,000.00. This is according to his campaign finance reports and the disclosure form he filed a few days before the election and after he was caught. The amounts of the loans to Spano greatly exceed federal limits for campaign contributions. The Federal Elections Commission rules allow candidates to give unlimited money to their campaigns, but the contributions must come from personal funds. Spano turned loans from friends into campaign money, which violated FEC rules, an by doing this he lied on Ethics in Government Act Financial Disclosure Act. This is how attorney's do things.

What I understand is that Kristen Carlson, an Attorney and a Democrat who I was told is running against me, had already collected over $50,000.00, is not registered as a candidate. That also is illegal. Kristen Carlson allegedly claims she went to the FBI as an after thought to report Spano after the election. This is a little too late if you ask me. If she was not watching her opponent, how could she watch your backs and represent you? If it was not for my son's stroke, I would have been up Spano's tuchas on his finances before the election and forced him to step down. This is your America not the attorney's America.

Folks we have 2 attorney's on both sides who think they can get away with illegal doings, just like Dennis Ross who hid his finances. You needed a fine tooth comb to find his financial hidings. Do we want an Attorney who only fights for themselves and their friends or do you want to take the Peoples House back from these questionable candidates?

Six GOP House Members Who Need to Resign for Anti-Semitis

I dont like Ilhan Omar but Six GOP House Members Who Need to Resign for Anti-Semitism Before Ilhan Omar. They are Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Steve King.
McCarthy who took to Twitter in October 2018 to accuse three Jewish billionaires — George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg — of trying to “buy” the midterms. He posted his tweet just a day after Soros received a pipe bomb at his home in New York.
Steyer called the tweet “straight-up anti-Semitic.” McCarthy, though, continues to refuse to apologize for it, saying he did nothing wrong. So why did he delete it? And why isn’t Trump calling on him to resign from Congress too?
2002, Scalise, then a Louisiana state representative, attended and spoke at a convention of the white supremacist European American Unity and Rights Organization, a group founded by David Duke. You remember Duke, right? The Holocaust-denying former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as “perhaps America’s most well-known racist and anti-Semite.”
Scalise later said he “regretted” — but did not technically apologize for — attending the EURO event. When Louisiana-based political reporter Stephanie Grace first met Scalise, he likened himself to Duke. Grace recalled, “He told me he was like David Duke without the baggage.”
Why is Scalise still in Congress?
Rep. Louie Gohmert represents Texas’s 1st Congressional District and is a darling of the tea party.
In December, he appeared on the Fox Business channel to discuss Google, but then decided to pivot and attack — yep, you guessed it — the right’s favorite Jewish billionaire.“George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel,” Gohmert said. “And the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped take the property that they owned. It’s the same kind of thing.”
This ludicrous and anti-Semitic claim that Soros helped “take the property” of fellow Jews during World War II has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. Soros, for the record, was 14 years old at the end of the war.
“Congressman Louie Gohmert for some reason went out of his way to bring up George Soros and made unsubstantiated and false allegations against him,” host Stuart Varney later announced, live on air. “I want to make clear those views are not shared by me, this program, or anyone at Fox Business.” How anti-Semitic and unhinged do you have to be for a Fox host to have to loudly disown you?
And why is Gohmert still a member of Congress?
Rep. Matt Gaetz, who was elected to the House of Representatives from Florida’s 1st Congressional District in 2016, as “the most despicable and shameless member of the United States Congress.”
You want anti-Semitism? Where to begin with Gaetz? He invited the notorious Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson* to be his guest at the State of the Union and later defended Johnson: “He’s not a Holocaust denier; he’s not a white supremacist. Those are unfortunate characterizations of him.”
He has appeared on Alex Jones’s “Infowars” show. Jones has said that “it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.”
He suggested the caravan of migrants that set out from Central America in October 2018 was funded by George Soros, who might be “giving cash 2 women & children 2 join the caravan & storm the US border.”
Trump has called Gaetz “one of the finest and most talented people in Congress.” Why hasn’t he called on the Florida representative to resign over anti-Semitism?
King has a long history of white nationalism, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism that was ignored and overlooked by House Republicans — and a GOP presidential candidate! — for years. “Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn’t Care,” read a HuffPost headline in the summer of 2018.
Long before his racist remarks to the New York Times, King retweeted a neo-Nazi. He sat on a panel with white nationalists. He praised both the German and Austrian far right. According to the ADL, he even “denigrated the Jewish history of the Holocaust.”
Why is there a place for him in the United States Congress?
Rep. Paul Gosar, the Republican who represents Arizona’s 4th Congressional District, has claimed that the far-right rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 — at which marchers chanted “Jews will not replace us” — was “created by the left” and led by an “Obama sympathizer.” He has also suggested that Soros funded the event and falsely claimed that the Jewish billionaire “turned in his own people to the Nazis.”
In fact, Gosar is so brazen in his conspiratorial, anti-Jewish bigotry that his own family has felt the need to publicly denounce him. “We are aghast that Paul has sunk so low that he now spews the most despicable slander against an 87-year-old man without a shred of proof,” a letter signed by seven of his siblings said in October 2017. “It is extremely upsetting to have to call you out on this, Paul, but you’ve forced our hand with your deceit and anti-Semitic dog whistle.”
In October 2018, Gosar’s brother David went even further, describing the representative’s rhetoric as having “helped feed the anti-Semitism that just resulted in the murder of 11 people in a Jewish synagogue and an attempt on Mr. Soros’s life.”
When will Gosar be quitting the House?
Republicans don’t give a damn about anti-Semitism. They just don’t care. And we’ll know for sure that they do when they ask these six white Republican men to resign from Congress.
Just don’t hold your breath.